At a glance

The Environment Agency and Thames Estuary Growth Board
The Tidal Thames from Teddington in the West of London to Shoeburyness, Essex and Sheerness, Kent
9 major barriers, 330km of walls and embankments, and over 400 other structures
Investment Type
Capital investment - energy and infrastructure
Thames Estuary 2100 Plan is from now until the end of the century

As the impacts of climate change continue to threaten coastal cities, the existing barrier is no longer sufficient to protect millions of people from rising sea levels and storm surges. By investing in a new barrier, you can be a part of the solution to this global problem while creating a sustainable green energy source for London and the Region. This investment will not only protect lives and livelihoods but also provide a lasting legacy for future generations to come.

ESG credentials
The Thames Estuary 2100 Plan aims to do more than just manage flood risk. This includes aspirations such as creating better access for communities to the river, creating habitats, increasing community resilience to the climate emergency, reducing carbon in all forms, and enhancing the river’s social, economic, and commercial benefits.

Invest in building a safer, greener, and more resilient future for London, the Thames Estuary Region and the world.